took these pics while i went to submit my final assignment for this sem......niama....30+ hours non-stop....without any sleep doing this shyt design of gearbox's killin me.....dulan life span sure becum shorten if to face these kinda shyts often in the coming sem....or perhaps it's my own fault...for doing last minute works..... hahaha...xD....besiu what's being left to be worried of r the finals....kintio hax sav3 me....T_T
hmmm not bad....looks like the future new cafeteria and n "free badminton courts" will be available for the next coming sem hehe......80% edy....haiz...too bad cant stay tat long to see the overall development of phase II....if 1 also can...juz fail some critical units n a's cool.....hahaa......curtin pro in makin money..........yet a lot n lot more gettin "cheated"..... altho the fees r getting higher.....yet students r getting more....=_="....nowadays i can hardly find my lil' myvi a parking slot....unlike the time during foundation year....pick as u like...2x 3x parking occupation.....cincai park special reserved 1 rlly gives a fck....but now...all that's left are the spaces under the trees....and it's usually full also wtf....
funny rite.....been here for quite a while edy...but nvr ever did an evening stroll on the lacksides xD.....what will it be the future 10-15 years interval......plenty of lands out thr purely for curtin.....what will we hav next....well......funding for the development is kinda easy....they can juz pick thier "sponsors" between students haha....diu nia 1 subject repeat Rm2700+....let's say 100 ppl failed in that sem edy can sum up to Rm270,000 wtf....that's juz for 1 sem...imagine....i donated once edy in my 1st common year....knnccb....that time still bei jai sii n somehow ignorant la.....fck man....just like throwing a laptop to the lake myself..or stompin' 15 MG gunplas...><....a waste of time....n fck up the overall course schedule.....i swear this shyt will not happen again zzzz.....
"plz...this is not wat u think....i'm innocent......i'm juz inspired by the previous can't do this to dun mean to least it's not blindy.......i din...i dun deserve this....plz bliff it u lil' bitch!!!....write another "1" before the "0" or i'll smack ur fugly face.......!!!......"haha.....i wish these words could redeem this mess......fck it...=_=".....damn can't bliff that finally i fell for this shyt.....he's juz too remorseless.....u could juz hav ur 1 eye closed dude....dun be such a bitch....u ain't gettin' any compliment or shyt for tat.....not to mention salary...fcking sadist.....worst was that u faked when u flipped thru my report when i handed it.....pretend that nothing went wrg...wif ur pathetic evil smile......y izzit only me n the few others la lolz.......for what i've done for quite some time throughout the 3 can i regard it as...."godlike?...has been ended.."...yes it would happen eventually...i guess...luckily it's juz one of the 4 reports....being the last 1.....haiz let me slack a bit ma....relax ma.....can't bliff shyt happens......diu diu diu knncccbbb!!! was like 9...8...8...then another 0 shyt popped out to break the trend......xD......
i hate u.....u hurt my feeling.....T_T......u biatch biatch biatch!!!!!...i feel like slappin' u in da face...n kick u in da nuts..........>=(
found something interesting that might be fun with ur Hp....hehe...check out this ImTOO 3gp video converter specially for mobiles...its simple...user-friendly....n support shyt lots of video format......also u r free to customize the desired video/audio quality...frame size... n cropping.......u could download it here......and use the provided code below to "register" it hehe....damn...i risked my pc digging thru crack sites man......>=( u can hav ur favourite videos or "eh hmmm" in ur phones xD.....
UserName: any name Reg code: ADF8-606B-4C17-309A-5B42-746B-9898-097E
hehe...the long awaited MS...the ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice....the companion unit for X20A Strike Freedom has arrived to burn my pocket...n followed by Sinanju soon...=_="......retails at 5000 yen...which is like ..Rm180-200+ i supposed to be in's been a while really...i've been expecting this kit so much...ever since its 1/100 HG was released like a couple of years ago.....i've sworn that i would never buy a 1/100 kit ever again.....because its a pain in the heart when u see Bandai release it's MG soon's just one of thier marketing dirty trick...and i will not fall for it again...just like i did in back then in 2005 when i couldn't resist the Destiny and Strike freedom 1/100....i wonder this trick would also be applied on the 00 gundam series...zzz....fck man....totally wasted when i get thier MGs respectively.....all my fault....kena seduced edy ><
so what's so special about this kit?'s the gundam model which comes in pink...looks gay lei.....after its predecessor unit X09A Justice and GAT-X-303 Aegis which are pink too....all from the same pilot Athrun Zala......also, it's a MS which fully emphasizes on melee combat in contradiction to it's companion unit which ultilize ranged assaults with the improvised DRAGOON funnel system.....u can judge it from all the beam equipment on it......from beam sabers, beam boomerangs, beam shield, beam bayonet, beam on its legs and also beam from its wings on the back knows taekwondo too.....check this out.....jumping side kick....? or it could be jumping turning kick....haha Turning kick....delivered along with beam....hmm not bad....i wonder if the kit really has this balancing stand a pose like this... hehe...."ordered" from mum when she fly to singapore tml.....another free travelling haul kekez.........mustn't miss the chance.....that's how free gunpla comes from xD....welcome to my glass shelves........well after all its her who ask me what i want lolz......i'm not greedy see?....its juz lucky to be blessed wif gunplas.....i mean....i cant rlly afford them with my own pocket money....the models...the paints....the tools....the chemicals....the airbrushes and compressor set.....these things cost a bomb to go a lil' professional....yet not to mention skills...seasoned from experience when i somehow 'killed' some of my models in the "experimental stage" before knowing the exact methods.....anyway i luv u mum for supporting my hobby yet i;m nt a gd boy >=) haha....or else i would juz have to save it for the time i start working =(.....or even at time my kids are thr to destroy them lolz......she could've juz ignored my obsessions like all other parents did but .....seriously i'm so lucky......go ask these from ur parent...they guarantee diu u de..........=_="
What more can i say? =P....let the vid do the talkin' hahahaa
noob bad eh? tsk tsk 1st time see Kwan join us for badminton lolz....dun tell me is his 1st time playing badminton xD......stroke harder kwan...!!i know u gd in ur mouse and TFK...u can do it...pretty much the same!!...=_="...also Vting...laugh ppl har...think u so pro meh ehhe xD...btw i also noob la.....*sob sob*......hey...but but ...i got a lame reason to spare....i've not touch badminton for the past 5 years muahahaha until the day(this sem) i drew out my legendary racket......pshh.....outdated series with outdated owner....outdated skill......muscle power 77 wat shyt.....i dun have muscle pun...=_="...hahaha..if not usieh..........nth la...still noob also...hhaha....
woke up 7am this morning...well 7 is kinda 'early for me''s usually 10 send one of my fren to the airport this morning...n sunpian go hav breakfast along wif vinc n my cousin.........*yawn*....haiz was having a sweet dream la hahahah.......
on day way to breakfast.....saw some noobshyts kissing each other.....ouch.....lai lai ham ar ham ar.... 8012 and 6013...gogogogo ToTO , 4D watever......hahaz...i dun care...dun bliff in these shyts....juz not my game...hehehe
after leaving CK on the airport...we decided to go for a 2nd round wif our long lost lau han ke hahaha...(1st round was drinks only xD)....haiz ppl edy work n making money.... but we're still living our nerdy engineering life....f=ma...lanpa=palan....hahaah.....we went to a coffee shop around Bintang plaza area...hmm dunno wat izzit called for to have a taste of this 'so-called' best har mee in Miri........dunno la...i dun feel much distinguished impression from the taste...n it cost for rm20 =_=".....somehow it triggered my allergy on spot zzz....felt slight irritation inside my ears.....must be the soup...
omgg.....omggg....omgggwtfbbqpukimaki....combo??!! me 1337 hack......T_T....haha my fellow Curtinians..scare le ma? check this out....
ouch.....time to stop procrastinating......slacking watever shyt..........i hate my cosy always seduce me =( printed out lecture notes from 3 of the units....2 page presented in each paper.....check out the thickness xD.....
Check out these....i didn't realise until my fren told me so....that he spotted a car with identical plate number in sch.....compared the old toyota juz opposite my i decided to make hunt to see whether it's true o not....n now wtf.....let the pics explain everything.....taken on the same day =_="...i think the police should do sth about it hehehe......behold....the twin of QTF 7672.....magic lei....wat a coincidence...bliff it.. =)
hehehe.....who's the faker here..n what is he/she up to? lolz...?....for ur info...QTF is the latest plate prefix arranged for Bintulu...
been playing MOH airborne for quite a while last year......still it remains the best 1st person shooting game i've ever laid my hand on....*2 thumbs up*......but some of my frens claimed to feel dizzy while playign it...hmm......feeling quite bored as i strolled thru my picture files until i dig out a piece of this....which i eventually edited crudely n uploaded to the demotivators's version 1.0 ...followed by 1.1...
here's version 2.0 hehe.....well not much diff lastly....version 3.0.....btw which 1 is best amongst those? in terms of sarcasm i supposed...xD
ah finally.....the taste of something better n "standard" as dinner tonite hahah... =P...spicy chicken.....belacan midin.....n claypot japanese beancurd....hehehe.....coz a measly rm26....well not quite...compared to kch prices..... least a lot better than this roti john..!!....wahahah but taste not bad also la when ur hungry....with ajinomoto pepper and maggie seasoning added for that extra kick xD......looks yukieee rite? it does resemble those thgs vomited.....a nice blend thou....=_=".....say no to Burgers or rotijohn...especially as dinner or midnight supper....unless u wanna sign in for a budget weight gain program hahaha.....
see? let's play a lil' simple game of spot the difference bellow lolz....
came across this vid in leh.... highlighted all those flashy taekwondo kicks...yea taekwondo is solely the martial arts which emphasize fully in kicking techniques....that's y i liked it so much as a sport which keeps one fit and agile.....i guarantee u'll luv it once u get the drills.....n yeah its even an official olympic sport when considering its popularity around the globe.... has somehow became an international culture.....i've been told from my uncle who's going to place her daughter in Tunku Putra School in kuching...this sch has made taekwondo n swimming compulsory for its mean its a paid sch.....yet such a rule is being applied.... =_="......hahaa cant wait to see Lechelle on her tkd uniform...must be cute^^ lolz....i also believed that tkd is an effective educational tool for children....pretty gd to start it young like i do at age 7's undeniable that taekwondo has the best kicks with the integration of power, speed and somewhat "range advantages" compared to other MAs.........if mastered develops a prominent skill of intercepting an opponent before they make any contacts on u when it comes to unarmed self-defence.....but remember to keep a range with ur opponent......i hate to admit that tkd still lacks of close-quater and ground techniques..... my opinion.....u hav to play hit n' run in the game of tkd lolz....
in tkd...advanced-kickings requires one to have strong balancing capability as basic with combination of speed, hip-torsional power, flexibility, timing and's hard...not having any one of these criteria might restrict one from performing an ideal kick....its easy to jzu watch ppl do it...but its hard to's a sad thing....the newbies from my Uni aren't being taught of these....basics are indeed crucial....but they seem failed to comprehend...most of em' r of weak-willed...quiting when they realised it's tough for them lolz...n i take that tat as a disrespect of taekwondo...fckin noobs....its not like u can obtain these skills in a short period of time.....lasap has to be exchanged with dedications and efforts.....u dont juz buy them wif the fees u paid =_="......these noobs joined as if they wanna get the tkd uniform as a after another from sem to
shown above is the 540 degree-jumping-spinning reverse-hook-kick xD...... wicked leh..... i believed it will cause a lot of DAMAGE driven by the body's momentum..........but too bad i cant do it YET....i dun hav enuff speed, i cant leap as high as they do......i cant generate that much torque!!! T_T....well try la....but soemtimes i still worried bout landing improperly that would hurt my tendon........honestly....this is the dream kick i've been yearning to learn for years!!!!god damn it.......doing a 360 is fine.....but 540 is a totally different.....i cant complete the spin in time before clumsy......been reading lots of tutorials from the web...the problem is my body still cant catch up......greatest achievement so far is only doing it at low height and fugly n retarded.....but i'll juz keep on trying n trying....who knows one day i'll pick it up =D.....i'm sure these guys had paid shyt loads of efforts to have these skills too............ u heard the word.....Impossible is nothing? haha...imagine havin a gf who is proz in tkd...she'll kick ur ass if ya laze out or pissed her off lolz xD
*ok kinda hin hin edy.....time to cuddle up in my bed^^*
something......bad.....happened tonite.....i've lost a comrade in my guild....a faithful yet distinguished one.....a fine huntress that had served me and the Alliance well i supposed but now...a once forgotten fallen hero.....her shots r true and just....her arrows penetrates.......and not to mention her character was full of hacks.......lolz!!....bellow r the pics on how she was somehow "killed in action".....killed by who? a screenshot...from a 17" square monitor....yea tat's right..snapped n uploaded to the banlist gd as dead.....xD.....ok actually is a "he" la....played by my stubborn cousin....i wasn't certain on how he drew the attention of admins into logging in his character just to inspect his hunter.....he must have been a high profiler jerk all these off power n made others jealous+emo.......or perhaps lan c......that's y kena aim.....haha dai becum a real "chivalric spirit" lo......xD...i told u to play safe in peace bro'...=_="
scared the shyt outta me....i tot that the admins were undergoing some sort of sapu operation......i tot Spirits of Chivalry(more like Spirits of Hacking xD) is done for.......wat a waste la...90% of her item is farmed by wasn't easy.......
anyway....i will now officially declare that i've quited WoW......i must!!...its kinda but not gd.....not gd i have to say....... i've learnt ways of letting it go.......perhaps i rlly got lots of thgs to do....lots more thgs to be worried about.... lots of thgs to keep up wif.......
the Alliance will now lose Moondah(Riko, Terresa, Sophelia n Panzerz as my alternates).....thier prominent huntress.......Spirits of Chivalry will now lose its leader.....who dominates the Battleground....who brings the Horde's oppression to a halt when duty calls.....when they need me.....i'll be thr....wif my bow as the witness i shall claim......aiming true n just towards any unrightful foes.........haha so much crap.....xD
sigh...failed to achieve my goal of being in the Top 10's juz...13th...well not bad least my i made my own guild proud as its leader....with a bloody 16782 kills!!! that's how i was distinguished in service wif the Alliance.....given the Field Marshal rank.....2nd highest title awarded after Grand Marshal...... =P......gila la...mcm kill till no life.....that's y i must stop......=_="
byebye WoW....byebye Wodnet.....and also byebye DOTA =P
pss:btw screw Expert....noob admin lolz
gd nite...going to bed now...i'll juz cont my hectic assignment tml *yawns*
looks like his wild dream of overthrowing the government doesn't turn up likely as what he intended =P.....seriously do u ppl think that he actually committed sodomy wif a MAN? or its juz the opposing faction's dirty propagandistic trick of condemning this poor fella......weird la i mean he got a wife.....n its not like there's no women in this world to sastify his urge haha.....
Anyway....Defiance is an upcoming war film based on the true story of the Bielski partisans. It tells about three Jewish brothers who escaped from the Nazis and fight back to rescue fellow Jews. The film is scheduled to be released on December 12, 2008 which is...soon!! hahaha....i love ww2 classics...will be anticipating this and Valkyrie too hehe....
This sem i must admit that i've been a solely bad ass......been skipping lots of lectures and tutorials as if there's no tomorrow....i know it's wrong somehow i still did it...worst of it....i Just Do it...there's no reason behind .....and i don't even feign any lame excuses like "oh...i'm not feeling well....oh i've got sth important to do......oh i'll be attending the next tut session......"...none of it.....compared to previous least i'm still worried about being absent that i would ask some friends to forge my signature.....btw wanna learn how to skip wif lame excuse? hahaha....the only class that i dun skip for no reason is my taekwondo class hehe.....maybe it has bonded to me ever since the day i started at 1994...i juz love it^^.....perhaps i nid something that threatens me.....?my parents? no....they have no idea i've been doing these i think kekez...not to mention they don't even know i have a blog....jotting down all these shyts here.... but what i do at home? well nth la....juz chatting, procrastinating and study on my own, looking at the same thing over n over again...having time itself as my catalyst......i absorb more in this way...that's for me....dun ask y...been doing this since my 2ndaries...dun rlly pay shyt attention in class.....
maybe this could help? emm.....definitely not... too bad it's juz a cat...i hate em' ....die u lil' feline btches!!! like i care!!
it's kinda sad.......i wasn't like what i used to be in my secondaries, motivated n worried about not being competitive.....but now it's like.."nth else long i don't fck up or fail any subjs....who cares?".......xD...maybe i'm juz too objective-oriented...being direct...figuring the easist way out to solve problems....any means necessary for my desired outcome......what i did in the very begining of this sem was to read the unit outlines of all the subjs enrolled....having to know how the marks are allocated and how they are being scored.....i dun give a damn about other shyts that doesn't concern of sponsoring marks....or all these could simple define me as lazy? omg....i've been consummed by the evil side of myself xD....lord help me.......somtimes i wondered what these complex thgs i studied would do me any good...what field can they be applied...and many more...for me, i'm still not sure what these shyts are used in practical situations honestly.....just doing it blindly sumtimes.....? when its required to differentiate....ok i'll do it.....integrate....ok i'll do it without knowing the logical reason y these steps have to be executed long it's correct in the's tough not being theoritically superior in the engineering field i must say =(......maybe it's juz not my cup of tea......or maybe i wasn't trying hard enuff? blind excuses......
also this morning....i went to sch to submit my lab before heading b home...i decided to drop by my mechanical design lecturer to have a look on my internals....waited outside his office for a moment till i get my i entered....he gave me those repeatiting shots before i have the chance to express my"i remember u...u didn't attend my classes....i know it's u....i dun remember seeing ur face in my class...r u my student.....n thr r some others not just u....i got take attendance u know?" wahahaha pWnz0Rd!!!!.. after finishing these words...he proceed on raiding some piles of paper and come out wif the attendance sheet...." see? what ur name..." so i told him "see? u didn't attend any(ok i'm sorry...*speechless*).....not even once....i've marked out all u ppl's absence....this subj is tough...its not like the previous MD (its hard too la cb...nimpeh almost gg...) do well...u must attend all the class...(lanjiao ur mid term...ur tutorial contributed shyt)....." aduh tiam la....after a while tanking his Indian machine gun assault(cheh not enuff POWER...)...finally i get to see my marks....teruk la =P...mi mi 1...........not juz me haha.....ok this 1 is still least his tone of nagging me and his nonverbal way of expressing is bearable hehe......not like that Russian fcktard whom i encountered last week as i submitted my lab report to him....ate his russian-made Ak-47....still complaining the same issues as i mentioned above addition that he threatens to send a complaint letter to my parents =_="..."how many times have u attended my class?..ur an adult now(yala... =(...21 edy...)...what happens if ur parents received this letter? u shall be punished....." lolz....another pwnz0rd that i cant seem to retaliate!! ....his nags are somehow seasoned with sense of humor whereby his english r somehow mixed with his mother tongue that produced a gag hahaha...some of which i failed to comprehend....juz nodding my head n pretend to be sorry lo....wat to do...i can't juz giggle in front of i always did behind his class...some worst that my fren try to imitate him lolz....if i really did giggle.....i could prepare to count how many stabs from him in my back in my finals haha....purely 70% in final...holyshyt dun play play.....if he do it from behind then i'm dead..... its funny..its rlly not juz me....u know...when a mid term exam is held.....u can expect the number of students in the class to increased from 25-100%!!!! not joking must have hurt the lect's feeling haha..... but in the end...i still have to say tat i'm sorry..... =(
1 thing i still dun quite understand and be sure life....basically we deal problems with solutions rite....? but there are many means that solutions can be attained...some that r rather direct and easy (hehe....dirty, 1337 , watever....i know u all did it b4...dun pretend) but some are not....which must be traded with dedications and efforts....but in the end both methods still results in giving the same evaluated by others...some that we cant see the difference behind em' heheh.....what i mean is...are there any obligations that bind on these? haha in my are not wrong...until the day u get caught...yet u "might" just be wrong ....soemtime i thinks its rather s2pid for those who let their chance slip at that particular moment..u'll feel sorry for the outcome haha..... it's just inevitable that the world is full of shyts and corruptions....they prevail in our life , doubts we could nvr have thought of..... perceptions that we nvr have imagined...... hahaha....aiya dun think too much la......just live ur life to the fullest's short.....there'r plenty of things we've nvr done....experienced...yet plenty of days to die....cherish on what you've possessed watever u like as long its not regretful lo.....
life's a struggle....check of this...somehow get inspired of this song from a friend of mine hehe....i supposed it stressed otu a lot of sarcastic facts of life and the society hehe....the lyrics could reach up to 1000+ unique chinese words....don't bother watching it's meaningful
ok that's all the crap for today....gotta cont my assignment =(..........
here's something i wanted to share wif any of u vista users out thr....if your computer has windows vista installed by any 3rd party manufacturer........when you observe the system properties window(hold the windows key n followed by the pause/break key) you will see the manufacturer’s support information for example...u might see Vaio....Dell...HP..watever...together wif thier brandmark emblem... these details and can be altered to ur face, ur cat/dog or ah kong/ah ma watever.... juz by following the rather simple steps special attention to the red box i highlighted....
as seen from the pic far these 2 are the known customizeable feature in vista...the manufacturer ID and the emblem of ur desired pic hehe...note that the pic shouldn't be larger than 100x100 pixel for best portrayal display...but its weird...mine should be a square pic...instead it's being cropped as a follow the steps bellow..... browse towards the destination i hightlighted by 1st keying in "regedit" in ur command prompt..if any of u is ignorant bout whr or wat command prompt's a screenie bellow upon hitting enter....a window such like this would pop browse to the destination in the red box...n 2x click on the box i highlighted inside to change the details....this is how i customized mine to Nazisoft and the third reich swastika emblem...hehe...
n now kindly proceed to place the pic u desired to the location as indicated what's being indicated in the pic above...juz change the target file from the "logo" to the target destination whr u paste the pic...
that's all n ur done....easy as 1,2,3 isn't it? gd luck n hav fun trying.....n dun be keh kiang to edit other thg which could possibly corrupt ur system hahaha...=P
*It's not me who figured out this shyt... as i mentioned...juz to share it wif u guys along wif some explanation...credits still goes for those who actually discovered it hahaha*
can't believe vting pronounced the name as 猪朋"狗"友饭 instead when he gave order to the waitress lolz...n the english name is "3 friends"? wtf i tot pig n chicken only?.....could it be possible that the black the dog...xD.....if i were the shop owner...i would name it "brothers in arms" or "兄弟连"....lolz..... since these 3 friends died together n shared the same fate....supported by the famous World War II quote " For he today that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother: Masculinity in the Laws of War" hahahah...... till the day they all ended up in dishes with the honor to feed customers =_="
well....nth much special it is..thier war memorial......pig...chicken...chao sio...alogn with curry poured on top the rice haha......
hehe there'll be a surprise on this december for gunpla addicts out thr....Bandai will be releasing its MG MSN-06S Sinanju ver. Ka...... this fella is derived from MSN-04 Sazabi i think..from the look of its hands and legs....xD....finally Unicorn's rival has arrived....not juz in the storyline....but now in the market as well....=_="
hmm...i'm planning to get this baby to accompany my lonely unicorn...(swt...still sleeping in the box in pieces thou lol)'s said to retail at 7350 yen...which is like Rm220+ ?hmmm....but its size is almost the same as Unicorn...summore Unicorn is more complex than it is and sold at Rm170+ generally.....what i can say is that this kit is not suitable for gunpla noobs....shouldn't get it if u ain't got the skill n tools...y? it's becoz the yellow lists on its body come uncolored.... muahahah...dun expect to use stickers...fckin ugly....and summore the finishing effect on illustrated in the pics above are of semi-gloss...thus topcoating is required as well =_="
Sinanju(with lil' added details) in beam rifle actions
haha....stacking uncomplete business xD....hmmm i planned to put full dedication in my Unicorn gundam haha....gonna change the phyco frames color from pink to devilish clear red xD....
damn's raining heavily right now...n here comes the pain in the ass...s2pid leakage from the hole in my ceiling....the hole has been sealed last sem wif some plaster n popped out again >=(
worst thg is...the water spills all around the left end of my comp table...its not like i can't put a basin underneath.....its because the water don't come in vertical drops... instead it splatters from above the hole before coming down zzz...... the noise of teh dripping is annoying as well =_="