Thursday, December 18, 2008

lolz of the day: man man man?

have u realised? lately there has been many "man-man' thing in the local cinemas hahah....this's not all about pure superheroes like superman, batman or spiderman these kinda thingie.....we've got it all different in terms ranging from cultures to professionalism....xD

the westerners come up with thier Yes MAN

something shouldn't be missed watching....the chinese come up with the fist-solid Ip MAN...

and not to mention....bolehland come up with thier imcompetent Cicak MAN 2 once again.....couldn't the investment be put into something better? lolz....perhaps some local home-made pr0ns has better welcome n return than this shyt....ok la....sry for the demotivations....sometimes i'm juz a herald of destruction for thgs i dun like xD

god damn it....last nite's Transporter 3 was a total failure.....even the girl inside is freckledly-fugly yet slutty...=_="

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