Monday, September 15, 2008

Racist bastard

ok for all who read about the recent news...we all get to know that the fckin bastard "ah mad is mail" haha has been kicked out of his post as Umno divisional leader in a 3-year suspension...what has he done? well by calling the chinese as squatters who dont deserves to enjoy equal right wif the malays....damn it..its so freakin racist n unmatured remark..hear also beh song ar..screw tat fatty....well think again what will thsi country be like without the we all know...the chinese have been playing the core role in Malaysia's economical development ever since its ashame, by claiming that we dont deserve equal rights means that he's trying to say that his own race is sort of imcompetent hahah...the chinese nids to play-along his handicapped mode in order to ease thier live lolz....its quite true...try to think b again hahaha

this "ah mad" in my opinion...he looks like we can compare....hitler dislikes jews...n this fatty dislikes the chinese minority...n the jews are sorta alike the chinese...being the smart n growing population thoughout thier nation...but what i can say is hitler's scale of racism bigger...claiming that the world belong to the Aryans in the sense that they feel thier "cheng" far superiro that others.....n the other races must hehe but since hitler is the boss...he put his words into actions wif his gay Nazi army...having his panzer divisions, kriegmarines n luffwaffe force crawlign around Europe opressing others....hitler had also launched "final solution" plan to cleanst others out of thier sorry arse from earth.

now what he get?did he succeed? hell no...germany get multi-angled ass rape from nations all across the world even before his world racist domination dream come to a success...

oh yeah...from the west..the US monster cocks

from the east...russian hulks hahaa

imagine if the world is not bound to the govern of the United Nations...such like timeline of the ww2...if ahmad were to be the 1 who held power..what might already HAPPENED by refering the May 13 incident during 1969. what i seriosuly think is that such people who held high political position like him should be exilled or even death penalty....3 years of post suspension means nothign seriosuly least its a better decision rather than the ealier whereby the PM himself apologive on behalf on him wtf?

1 comment:

kNy said...

eng eng...ISA coming to u...haha